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Undergraduate Research Program



CAE holds its annual CAE undergraduate Research orientation in February-March. During this event, we introduce students to the diverse research areas of CAE faculty members. These areas cover interdisciplinary topics such as biomimetic materials, energy, climate, sustainable development, and structural diagnostics. Whatever your interests may be, we believe you can find a suitable research direction.

Seize this opportunity to learn about the research conducted by CAE faculty members and explore the endless possibilities in the field of civil engineering!

​2024 CAE專題生說明會
2024 CAE Undergraduate Research Program Orientation




對象:土木相關系所 大二以上(含)


17:30-17:40 報到

17:40-17:45 開場簡介+主辦老師致詞

17:45-17:55 吳日騰 助理教授

17:55-18:05 謝依芸 助理教授

18:05-18:15 汪立本 助理教授

18:15-18:25 茶敘

18:25-18:30 專題經驗分享-陳俊達

18:30-18:40 陳俊杉 特聘教授

18:40-18:50 謝尚賢 教授

18:50-19:10 Q&A




A: 可以看每個人的時間規劃,如果有一些時間,可以先嘗試看看。每個老師帶專題生的方式不太一樣,也可以先跟老師聊聊看適不適合。

What grade is suitable to start participating in projects?


Is it too early to do a project in the second semester of sophomore year?A: It depends on each individual's schedule. If you have some time, you can give it a try. Each professor has a different way of supervising project students, so it's a good idea to talk to the professor first to see if it's suitable.​



A: 專題生主要開放給台大土木系學生,希望學生能有更多的時間加入專題研究,跟著指導教授一起享受研究的過程。暑期實習主要希望邀請外校學生加入,利用暑假時間可以與研究團隊一起進行專題研究。

Is participating in a project similar to a CAE summer internship?


A: Project students are mainly open to students of the NTU Department of Civil Engineering, hoping that students will have more time to participate in project research and enjoy the research process with the supervising professor. Summer internships mainly hope to invite students from other schools to join, and use the summer vacation time to conduct project research with the research team.



A: 假如你的專題剛好延續到碩士論文研究,那麼從大三開始做到碩士二年級,做四年的研究就像是讀了一個博士學位。做研究是一個不斷持續的過程,但也可能隨時遇到無法繼續下去的困境。

How long does it take to do a project?


A: If your project happens to continue into your master's thesis research, then from the third year to the second year of the master's program, doing four years of research is like getting a doctoral degree. Research is a continuous process, but you may also encounter situations where you cannot continue at any time.​



A: 暑期實習希望學生能具備高學習動機與熱誠來參與專題研究,不需要有任何經歷或是專題,但曾經參與過專題或有更多的經歷,將可讓專案經理更認識,也更有機會入選暑期實習。

What abilities or experiences are required for summer internships? Can you apply without having taken a project before?

A: Summer internships hope that students can have high learning motivation and enthusiasm to participate in project research. There is no need for any experience or project, but having participated in a project or having more experience will allow the project manager to get to know you better and increase your chances of being selected for the summer internship.







Is the order of preferences for applications related to the probability of acceptance?


Professor Hsieh: Every year, we offer summer internship opportunities, not limited to the CAE group, but also opportunities for collaboration with other professors. Students can sign up to participate, and each topic will have a project manager and a community to select students and make final decisions. If you have decided to participate in the CAE group, we encourage students to do a bachelor's thesis. An outstanding bachelor's thesis will definitely give you extra points, demonstrating research ability and willingness to further study.

Professor Wu: Now let's switch perspectives and think from the teachers' point of view. If there are two students, one puts the CAE group as the first preference and the structural group as the second preference; the other student does the opposite. Do you think this will create differences when teachers review student applications? Sometimes, of course, we hope students try different things, but in the end, we need to make rankings and distribute based on rankings. Personally, for summer internships, I will certainly give priority to students willing to try, but that doesn't mean other students will be excluded. When all the applying students are similar in level, the choice of preferences may have an impact. However, if there are very outstanding students, even if their preference is not the first, they still have the possibility of being accepted.



A: 一篇出色的學士論文一定會為你加分。

Are there any progress/achievement thresholds for participating in projects?


A: An outstanding bachelor's thesis will definitely give you extra points.



A: 並不是每個實習題目都要做ML,要看實習題目的要求。

​​​To what extent should one understand ML (Machine Learning) to participate in projects/internships?


A: Not every internship project requires ML. It depends on the requirements of the internship project.

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