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Internship  Program



  • 探索型:旨在讓實習生體驗研究的過程,探索研究興趣和方向。

  • 應用型:期望實習生能將所學技能應用於正在進行的研究計劃中。


Every summer, CAE organizes an 8-week summer internship program covering interdisciplinary topics such as biomimetic materials, energy, climate, sustainable development, and structural diagnostics.

In CAE's internship program, we offer two different types of internships:

  • Exploration-based: Aimed at allowing interns to experience the research process and explore research interests and directions.

  • Application-based: Intended for interns to apply their learned skills to ongoing research projects.

If you feel uncertain about your future direction, are eager to explore research areas and enhance professional skills, or wish to collaborate and exchange ideas with seniors and professors, then we sincerely invite you to participate in the CAE internship program! We believe that everyone can find a research direction that suits them and together explore the infinite possibilities in the field of civil engineering!




A: 我們歡迎所有對於研究主題充滿熱情的同學,不限學校及科系。

Can I apply if I'm not studying in the Department of Civil Engineering at NTU?

A: We welcome all students who are passionate about the research topics, regardless of their school or department.



A: 實習題目將陸續公布在我們的官方網頁及臉書粉專上,請定期查閱以獲取最新信息

Where can I find information about the internship projects?

A: Internship project details will be gradually announced on our official website and Facebook page. Please check regularly for the latest updates.



A: 不可以,每位申請者僅有一次申請的機會,且今年只有一次的申請機會,請務必注意申請時間及必要文件。但可以在03/10 23:59 前以相同google帳號更改申請表單

Can I apply multiple times?

A: No, each applicant has only one opportunity to apply, and this year there is only one application opportunity. Please pay attention to the application deadline and required documents. However, you can modify the application form using the same Google account before 03/10 23:59.




How can I confirm if my application is successful?

A: After submitting the application form, you will receive an automatic reply. We will announce the list of successful applicants on our Facebook page after the registration deadline.



A: 無論成功與否,我們將會以電郵通知所有申請人,並在官方網頁及臉書粉專公布錄取名單。

Will all applicants be notified of the application results?

A: Regardless of whether the application is successful or not, we will notify all applicants by email and announce the list of admitted applicants on our official website and Facebook page.



A: 是的,我們為實習生提供實習津貼,一律為$6000/月,8週 (2個月) 共$12000。

Is there an internship allowance?

A: Yes, we provide an internship allowance of $6000 per month for 8 weeks (2 months), totaling $12000.



A: 很抱歉,我們不會提供住宿安排,請自行安排住宿事宜。

Will accommodation be provided this year?

A: Unfortunately, we will not provide accommodation arrangements this year. Please arrange accommodation on your own.



A: 專題類型今年新增探索型和應用型供實習生參考,實習生可以考慮個人目標作題目的選擇:

  • 探索型:預期讓實習生體驗研究的過程,並探索研究興趣與方向。

  • 應用型:預期讓實習生把技能運用在正在進行的研究計劃中。

I'm interested in the topics, but I'm a bit hesitant due to lack of experience. Can I still apply?

A: This year, we have added two types of projects for interns to choose from: exploration-based and application-based. Interns can consider their personal goals when selecting topics:

  • Exploration-based: Intended to allow interns to experience the research process and explore research interests and directions.

  • Application-based: Intended for interns to apply their skills to ongoing research projects.



A: 專題生主要開放給台大土木系學生,希望學生能有更多的時間加入專題研究,跟著指導教授一起享受研究的過程。暑期實習則不限制,利用暑假時間可以與研究團隊一起進行專題研究。

Are projects similar to CAE summer internships?

A: Project positions are mainly open to NTU Department of Civil Engineering students, hoping that students will have more time to participate in project research and enjoy the research process with the supervising professor. Summer internships, on the other hand, are not limited, and students from other schools can join to conduct project research with the research team during the summer vacation.



A: 暑期實習希望學生能具備高學習動機與熱誠來參與專題研究,不需要有任何經歷或是專題,但曾經參與過專題或有更多的經歷,將可讓專案經理更認識,也更有機會入選暑期實習。

What abilities or experiences are required for summer internships? Can I apply without having completed a research program before?

A: Summer internships hope that students can have high learning motivation and enthusiasm to participate in project research. No prior experience or completed projects are required, but having participated in projects or having more experience will allow the project manager to know you better and increase your chances of being selected for the summer internship.

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